Photo Competition Launch!

31 May 2023
Woolacombe Mortehoe & Lee Calendar 2024 Photo Competition

It's that time of year again, when we launch our annual photo competition!

We are looking for 12 superb images to feature in our Woolacombe, Mortehoe & Lee 2024 Calendar!

Before submitting your favourite images, please read the following carefully ... photos not meeting the criteria will not be considered!

  • Images must be LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION not portrait orientation 
  • Images must be of Woolacombe (including Putsborough), Mortehoe or Lee bay, or the bits in between! 
  • Please ensure that your images are good quality - view on a full screen to ensure they are not blurry 
  • Please ensure that your horizons are straight/don't have light spots, etc. - photos requiring editing will not be considered
  • Please do not include close up photos of people 
  • Please do not crop, enhance or edit your photos excessively - we prefer the natural look!
  • We welcome images from all seasons - we love stormy seas and dramatic skies, just as much as sunny days and sunsets!
  • There is no restriction on how many images you can enter, however, please be selective and only enter your best shots

To enter, please email your photos to [email protected] - if you are sending multiple images, please only send a couple at a time

Winners will be notified by email, and will receive a free calendar as a thank you for allowing us to use their image. Photographers will be credited in the calendar.

Good Luck! We look forward to seeing your submissions!


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